OSG Alkaline: Pioneering Innovation in Water Ionization

Our Legacy

Since its founding in 1970, OSG CORPORATION CO., LTD. has been at the forefront of water ionization technology, revolutionizing the way people experience alkaline water. As a pioneer in the field, OSG introduced the Functional Water Generator Alkaline Water Ionizer, setting new benchmarks in quality, innovation, and health-focused water solutions. With a steadfast commitment to excellence, OSG Alkaline has grown into a global leader in water ionizer systems, serving diverse markets worldwide.

Our Culture: A Community Built on Growth & Purpose

At OSG Alkaline, our dedicated distributors do more than just sell a product—they share a lifestyle. Our business is built on the philosophy of “personal growth with a compensation plan,” enabling individuals to achieve financial independence while promoting a product they truly believe in. More than a business, OSG Alkaline fosters a supportive global family, where success is measured not just in earnings but in personal fulfillment and well-being.

Our Corporate Philosophy: Innovating for a Healthier Future

At OSG Alkaline, we are driven by a singular mission: to enhance health, comfort, and overall well-being while making a meaningful contribution to society.

◆ Environment – Creating a Healthier Living Space
Water is the foundation of life, making up 60% of the human body. At OSG Alkaline, we were among the first innovators to recognize the importance of water quality and develop advanced water solutions that seamlessly integrate into daily life. We continue to launch high-value, cutting-edge water systems designed to create a cleaner, healthier environment for all.

◆ Health – Bringing Wellness into Every Home
In a world where stress and pollution pose constant threats to health, the home should be a sanctuary of well-being. Our mission is to empower individuals to take control of their health by providing advanced, home-based water solutions that support both physical and mental wellness.

◆ Hygiene – Advancing Clean Water Technology
Foodborne illnesses and hospital-acquired infections are growing public health concerns. OSG Alkaline’s innovative hygiene solutions harness the power of eco-friendly water sterilization, offering a next-generation hygiene management system that helps safeguard homes, businesses, and medical facilities from harmful contaminants.

At OSG Alkaline, we are not just providing water—we are shaping the future of health and wellness, one drop at a time.